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About your hosts

Jointly Venturing


Jointly Venturing features conversations between your hosts Scott Leckie and Michael Morehead outlining and analysing many of the key ideas behind Oneness World, how we got to where we are today, and most importantly, how to collectively evolve as one humanity towards a new vision of politics and governance-based not on nation-states or perceived difference, but on the simple and obvious truth that we all are one, living on one planet, dependent upon one ecosystem, tied eternally together on the thin line of soil and water covering our Earth.

We will welcome occasional guests for lively debates on the nitty-gritty, practical dynamics of ever-evolving Oneness Politics and will aim to address a range of highly topical - and sometimes controversial issues - such as:


  • What is Citizenship?

  • Is a One World Tax Possible?

  • Does Social Media Help or Harm our Quest?

  • Can Nationalism Co-exist with a Oneness World?

  • Who Can Be a Politician? - Term Limits are accepted, how about Wealth Limits?

  • What Would a Global Parliament Look Like?

  • Would You Like to Vote on Global Matters Through Your Phone?

  • The Future of Human Rights

  • Celebrating the UN Charter and International Law


We will aim to produce a new podcast every week and hope you will listen!


Your Hosts:


Scott A. Leckie is the Founder of Oneness World. He is also an international human rights lawyer and the Director and Founder of Displacement Solutions (, a global not-for-profit NGO dedicated to resolving cases of forced displacement throughout the world, in particular displacement caused by climate change and conflict. Over the past three decades he has established several international human rights organizations and institutions, and regularly advises a number of United Nations agencies on housing, land and property rights issues. He has worked on these questions in more than 80 countries on all continents. He conceived of and was the driving force behind more than 100 international human rights legal and other normative standards, most recently the 2013  Peninsula Principles on Climate Displacement Within States. Scott has written or edited 20 books and over 200 articles and reports on issues including land solutions for climate displacement, housing rights, economic, social and cultural rights, forced evictions, the right to housing and property restitution for refugees and internally displaced persons and other human rights themes. He lectures frequently and teaches several human rights courses in various top-ranked universities and law schools around the world, including the world’s first law school course on climate change and displacement at the College of Law of the Australian National University, University of Melbourne Law School and Monash Law. He is a world citizen, and was recently heard to say: Today you awoke. How extraordinary! A miracle in fact, to simply be alive and aware; all of us living through that one chance at life. We all awoke, and we all awoke in the very same place, on the very same planet, in the very same small, mysterious corner of the Universe. And so it is every day, day after day, endlessly and infinitely as our precious solitary place spins at hyper-speed around the fire in the sky that makes life possible. And so we daily awake, all of us, on the very same thin surface of Earth, eyes slowly opening, thoughts gradually emerging of the unfolding new day. We awake daily, all eight billion of us, first as Earthlings, as homo sapiens, as humans, part of a species the likes of which has never existed anywhere else but here, part of the tapestry of a life that offers things extraordinary, almost inexplicable and boundless. When we wake, thus, we awake as equals, as 'we', as 'us', as parts of an intricate and amazingly complex whole, inter-connected, inter-dependent and One with all else existing anywhere we may wish to cast a gaze. And so it happens each and every day, year after year, century after century, epoch after epoch, and as long as we continue to exist as a species, so it shall inevitably be. Hello world citizen, it's really nice to be with you.


Michael Morehead was admitted as a barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1990. Further admissions in other jurisdictions as both barrister and solicitor have followed. Fresh out of the University of Tasmania Law School with two first class honours degrees, Michael was once given the choice between becoming associate to His Honour Sir William Deane at the High Court of Australia or remaining at the firm now known as Ashurst, he chose the former. Michael attended Clarence High in Hobart where he developed a love of surfing. Surfing was a significant part of his education and before becoming a legal practitioner he held ambitions to become a cross-cultural surfing Samadhi. Michael studied horses, transcendental meditation and anthropology, beginning what has been an almost lifelong association with equus, the ocean and indigenous culture. Michael delivered a speech at Melbourne University in 2017, during which he expressed an abiding and deep gratitude to his colleagues in the legal profession: Being a lawyer sees many loving connections formed, delight and success shared, obstacles and adversaries endured. And enriching this love for all humanity and all species on this planet is how so many of us in the law see the next evolutionary step – Oneness on all its legal, practical and spiritual levels, holds a very special place in our hearts. Michael continued his passion for surfing and service whilst practising law – he still is a local of long standing at the special left hander at the entrance to Port Philip Heads, is a volunteer at the Peninsula Community Legal Centre, and is on the board of the oneness start-up Jointly Venturing. He has also long been involved with the Spirit of Belonging indigenous cross cultural movement. In a recent JVcast, Michael invited the audience to reflect on the importance of truly global legal and political institutions. He said: When I was born on the banks of Port Phillip Bay in the 1960s, my migrant parents no doubt each received a copy of the Bible and a picture of the Queen. It wasn’t until I was studying Australian history at University that I realised imperial governments which drew them, and millions like them, to a country like Australia – a country like Canada too – where the pretence of nationalistic imperialism and its inevitable war against all could be forgotten for a time and the riches of the first nations plundered using what are now long gone legal fictions. My children, their contemporaries and others who continue to arrive on Australia’s shores, surely now have convinced us that we really do live on the one small planet. We now work to responsibly share and protect the air, the oceans and all our world’s bounty and this mean a taxation system that meaningfully regulates transnational corporates. Money is like manure so the saying goes; pile it up and it stinks, spread it around and it fertilises! 


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